June 05, 2011

Sony Pictures website hacked

This time it's a pirate attack on various websites related to Sony Pictures.

Teams going to name LulzSec, who recently managed to mask the house PBS.org 's page, announced that it has invaded and undermined SonyPictures.com over 1 million user accounts. In addition, 75 000 music codes and 3.5 million coupons have been discovered.

Google Takes On Facebook With Social Research

Google takes on Facebook social research

"Three years ago, I wrote memos to talk about this general problem. I knew I had to do something and get it," said Schmidt.

"A CEO must take responsibility," he said. "I messed up."

Schmidt, who ended his career 10 years as executive director in April and handed the reins to 38 years, Google cofounder Larry Page, made the remarks at a conference organized by the D9 AllThingsD blog.

Five big questions heading into Apple's WWDC

Five big questions dans la rubrique d'Apple WWDC

1. Apple can icloud wow?

2. How icloud fit into existing services from Apple?

3. Uusi laitteita Tuleeko?

4. When these three things happen?

5. Park descendre le prix du Bas Lion plus?

* Can Apple's icloud wow?

MobileMe launch was marked by a series of missteps, including the parking of its various services, loss of data, and problems with the timing - is the feature ceiling. internally deposited launch was said to be so bad, he moved to Jobs to hold a meeting for the whole team MobileMe re-discover those responsible and to blame all the company's tarnished brand and leaving the other down. Based on this, one can imagine how important it is icloud Apple launch something that is not polished.

More importantly, with icloud, Apple has to prove that offers something that can not be done elsewhere, or at least we can take better its service from competitors. One of the biggest blows to MobileMe is that many things, which provides users can find elsewhere for free. Apple has added ammunition to this argument when he made the "Find My iPhone" feature for free as part of an upgrade of the IOS. Now, Apple faces a similar threat from the beginning with competitors such as Amazon and Google against the company by hand with computer services in the cloud that deal with the media. Customers are impressed enough to upload?