September 06, 2011

Google Users In Iran Targeted Spoof SSL

If an unknown time this weekend, Gmail users in Iran who were trying to get their accounts have been compromised, with a log-in credentials stolen when someone broke into the Dutch society to steal an identity card digital equivalent of Google. com.

"Those affected are mainly located in Iran," Google said in a statement last night. "The attacker used a [Secure Sockets Layer] DigiNotar fraudulently issued by a root CA, which does not issue certificates Google (and have since deleted). "

The problem occurred yesterday after someone reported a site in support of Google, on Sunday.

Asked how many Google users have been affected, a representative of Google said: "It's always hard to know the details of such a man-in-the-middle attack, we are ... Read more Full and comments.

Read more: # ixzz1XB45mUZp

1 comment:

  1. SSL stands for Secure Socket is used for security purpose....

